Moving offices? Maximize its potential with Workplace Strategy

A workplace strategy is a holistic approach to aligning your workspace with your organization’s goals, culture, and operational needs. It involves analyzing various aspects of how employees work, including workflow, employee needs, and technological requirements, to optimize productivity, collaboration, and well-being. Whether you're planning to move offices in the next couple of years or sooner, now is the time to start thinking about a comprehensive workplace strategy.

Written by Holland on Jun 07, 2024
4 min read

As your organization grows, the prospect of moving into a new office space can be both exciting and daunting. The allure of a fresh environment, enhanced amenities, and the promise of a better workspace is undeniable. However, before you make the leap, it's important to take a step back and reflect on your organizational goals, employee dynamics, and cultural values. In our experience, conducting a comprehensive workplace strategy is essential to ensure that your new office space truly meets your needs, and sets the foundation for future growth and success!

What is a workplace strategy?

A workplace strategy is a holistic approach to aligning your workspace with your organization’s goals, culture, and operational needs. It involves analyzing various aspects of how employees work, including workflow, employee needs, and technological requirements, to optimize productivity, collaboration, and well-being. Whether you're planning to move offices in the next couple of years or sooner, now is the time to start thinking about a comprehensive workplace strategy. Here’s why:

Maximizing space utilization

Real estate is one of the most significant expenses for any organization. It's important to make the most of your available space! A workplace strategy involves a thorough analysis of how your current space is used and identifies areas for improvement. You may find that certain areas are underutilized while others are overcrowded. This insight allows you to design a more efficient layout that maximizes efficiency and minimizes wasted space.

Aligning space with business objectives

Your organization has unique goals and objectives. Whether it's enhancing customer satisfaction, promoting mental health, or accommodating rapid growth, your office space should reflect and support these goals. A workplace strategy helps you identify these goals and ensures that the new office is designed to achieve them.

Enhancing employee experience

A workplace strategy involves gathering insights into how employees work and what they need from their workspace. Surveys, interviews, and observational studies can uncover preferences and work patterns that may not be apparent. For example, you may discover that employees prioritize quiet spaces for focused work over open collaboration areas, or that they value natural light and ergonomic furniture more than previously thought. This information allows you to create a workspace that promotes well-being, accommodates diverse work styles, and provides the amenities that your team actually values.

Identifying workflow patterns

In a recent workplace strategy initiative we conducted, an organization planning a move to a new office initially prioritized large collaborative spaces to foster teamwork. However, after conducting employee surveys and observing work habits, they discovered that employees valued quiet zones more than open collaboration areas. As a result, the new floor plan focused on providing a balance of collaborative spaces and quiet areas, significantly improving employee satisfaction and productivity.

Supporting technological integration

Technology is a critical component of modern workplaces. A workplace strategy helps you assess your current technological infrastructure and plan for future needs. Whether it's ensuring robust connectivity, integrating collaborative tools, or accommodating remote work capabilities, a well-thought-out strategy ensures that your new office is equipped to support your technological requirements seamlessly.

Planning for future growth

One of the most significant challenges in moving to a new office is anticipating future needs. A workplace strategy also ensures that your office remains functional and relevant as your business expands.

Minimizing disruptions

Moving into a new office is a complex process that can disrupt business operations if not properly planned. Starting the workplace strategy early gives you ample time to plan and execute the move with minimal disruption to your daily operations. This reduces stress and allows your team to remain focused on their work during the transition period.

Get in touch with us!

A workplace strategy is not just about planning a new office layout—it's about gaining deeper insights into your organization's unique needs and optimizing your workspace to support those needs. 

Our Workplace Strategy service includes an inspection of your current space, gathering feedback from your employees to understand their needs and preferences, analyzing work patterns, evaluating technological needs and space planning. Get in touch with us today to start optimizing your future workplace!